Three Universal Ways to Thank a Blogger

Blogs have become a great source for new, original and relevant  information on the web. The best part about it is that it comes from real people providing real answers to real problems. If you’re like me, you’ve been saved by someone’s hard blogging...

Unload OfficeScan 10.6 without a password

Often times users come to my Uninstall OfficeScan 10.6 without a password article looking for a way to get around occasional issues with OfficeScan but don’t want to fully uninstall OfficeScan because their IT department would not be pleased. I can sympathize...

Kinect Calibration Card

I sat down with my kids this evening to play Fruit Ninja on the Xbox which is a fun, every couple of months event. While they were playing I found that for some reason the sensor kept aiming above their heads. I figured that maybe the Kinect needed to be calibrated so...

Solved: Sonicwall Invalid Netmask

Nothing is quite as awesome as believing you’re an expert at something and then having something simple completely throw you for a loop. Today, I was working on creating some point to point VPN connections on a Sonicwall TZ 205 firewall and needed to create some...

Zimbra Outlook Connector Download

I’ve been using Zimbra Desktop while doing some consulting for a client and have found it frustrating to use with some buggy issues such as new mail not appearing in the inbox at times. I finally decided that I would download the Zimbra Outlook Connector and try...